Gheorghe TECUCI Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Learning Agents Center, George Mason University, USA; Member of the Romanian Academy comes with an explanation described in the article "Why Artificial Intelligence Is Not a Threat to Humanity but a Huge Opportunity"
There has been a lot of hype about artificial intelligence, with claims that artificial intelligence agents will become more intelligent than humans and even display humanity. We will show that this fear is unjustified, that artificial intelligence fundamentally differs from human intelligence, and that they are complementary, with artificial intelligence being better at some tasks but unable to perform others that may be performed by human intelligence. We will present a model of critical thinking that facilitates the synergistic integration of a human’s imaginative reasoning with a machine’s critical reasoning, able to solve problems that are limited only by our imagination. As with any new and powerful technology, artificial intelligence comes with risks and opportunities. Many more human jobs will be performed by machines, but these are all algorithmic jobs, leaving the truly creative ones to the people. Most importantly, artificial intelligence may help us become better critical thinkers, which is the best way of preserving democracy, which, with all its imperfections, is still the best system of government.
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