Meeting of the Scientific Council for the hearing of the Reports on the implementation of the research and innovation agendas for the period 2021


On December 10, 2021, the Joint Meeting of the General Assembly of the Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering of the ASM and the Scientific Council of the Energy Institute was convened at the Institute of Energy to hear the scientific activity reports, conducted during 2021. The director of the Institute , D. Dr. Mihai Tîrșu presented the Report on scientific activity and innovation in 2021, which presented the results obtained by the entire composition of the research teams during the year, as well as quantified information on funding volumes, publications, participation in scientific forums, works. for different categories of beneficiaries, other implications. This was followed by the presentation of the Activity Report within the State Program, stage 2021, where the results obtained within the Project “Eco-innovative technical solutions for energy efficiency in buildings and the development of smart grid development options with energy integration” were obtained. elucidated Renewables in Moldova (SYNERGY), 20.80009.7007.18 ”, executed in partnership with the Faculty of Energy and Electrical Engineering, UTM. Rapporteur, project manager, Dr. Mihai Tîrșu. In accordance with the provisions of the national legal framework on the evolution of the quality of deliverables in research and innovation, the Coordinator of the Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering, Dr. Habea, Veaceslav Ursachi read the assessments provided by experts involved in the project evaluation process. , which resulted in a score of 38 points, being awarded the grade "Very good". The note was unanimously supported by the members of the ASM Section. The agenda of the meeting also included the hearing of the Report on research and innovation results, obtained within the institutional program, the presentation being presented by the program coordinator, Head of Energy Security Laboratory, Modeling and Development of Energy Systems, Dr. Elena Bicova.

The members of the Scientific Council voted unanimously to support the draft Decision approving the results of the scientific, innovative and scientific-organizational activity of the Energy Institute for the year 2021.

The work of the meeting took place mainly online, with the physical presence of a minimum number of necessary staff. Representatives of the Ministry of Education and Research, the National Agency for Research and Development, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Agency for Energy Efficiency, the Research and Innovation Organizations of the ASM Section, the enterprises in the energy sector: Termoelectrica, Nordelectrica, C., Red-N all the staff of the Energy Institute, other interested persons.


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