Federația Mondială a Savanților în Republica Moldova

Meeting of the Scientific Council for the hearing of the Reports on the implementation of the research and innovation agendas for the period 2021

On December 10, 2021, the Joint Meeting of the General Assembly of the Department of Exact Sciences and Engineering of the ASM and the Scientific Council of the Energy Institute was convened at the Institute of Energy to hear the scientific activity reports, conducted during 2021. The director of the Institute , D. Dr.

International Conference on "Toxic Substances for the Environment in the Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems of the Black Sea Basin"

The International Conference "Environmental Toxicants in Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems in the Black Sea Basin", organized by the Hellenic International University in . Kavala, Greece and the “Lower Danube” University of Galați, Romania, within the BSB 27 MONITOX project. In the context of the current epidemiological situation in the world, caused by COVID-19, the conference took place online, with broadcasts from Greece, Romania and the Republic of Moldova.

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